Featured article
Featured article
2 hours ago
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Busy July
July - Amanda
It's been such an exciting month at Mabel Chong.•First
We got back from the J...
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Our photoshoot with Hemali Acharya Zaveri
Our photo shoot with Hemali Acharya Zaveri yesterday.
It was an amazing experience for my staff and I! We can not wait to see the beautiful photos!
Ena 14k gold paired with diamonds and rutilated quartz
Our beautiful Ena 14k gold paired with diamonds and rutilated quartz.
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Our new banner design
Our new banner design!
I’ve decided to use this ring mandrel to pair up these beautiful stack rings! I use this ring mandrel almost everyday.
I want people to know, to recognize that the beauty of these stack rings comes from hard work and detailed craftsmanship.
My new discovery from my journey. Aurélia
The very moment I laid eyes on this piece, I knew that it will be a special piece within my collection from my journey. I named her Aurélia.